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What is strasserism?





What is strasserism?
Strasserism is a form of democratic socialism that was first proposed by two German brothers, Otto and Gregor Strasser, in the 1920s. This ideology is based on the idea of a decentralized socialist economy, which would be managed by workers’ councils and local committees. Strasserism advocates for a gradual transition to a socialist society, as opposed to a revolutionary overthrow of capitalism. An example of Strasserism in action is the Spanish Revolution of 1936, in which the anarchist-syndicalist CNT-FAI unions attempted to implement a decentralized, worker-controlled economy across much of Spain. This experiment was ultimately unsuccessful, but it provides a glimpse into how Strasserism could look in practice. Another example is the Mondragon Corporation, a Spanish cooperative that has been in operation since 1956. This company, which is owned and managed by its workers, provides a living example of Strasserism in action in the form of a decentralized, socialist economy. Fun Fact: The Strasser brothers were also members of the Nazi Party, but they were expelled when they publicly opposed Hitler’s policies.