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Is War Profitable? The Complete Analysis for 2023 [Expert Opinions]

ELI5 Summary

“Is War Profitable?” is a complex topic that delves into the economic facets of warfare. There’s no black or white answer as it depends on the perspective. Some sectors, like the arms industry, can profit during war-time due to increased demand. In contrast, many nations accumulate heavy debts due to escalated military spending and post-war rebuilding costs. Although job creation and technological innovation can be viewed as economic benefits, the human cost, infrastructural damage, and long-term negative impacts on social fabric are major factors to consider. In essence, while warfare can stimulate some economic activity, it often comes with significant long-term costs, making the question of its profitability a multifaceted inquiry.

Introduction: The Intriguing Question – Is War Profitable? 

Is war profitable? This may seem a stark or perhaps uncomfortable query to you. We often view wars through lenses tinted by factors such as politics, morality, human rights, and national security. But what happens when we look at conflict from an economic standpoint? 

Wars have always played a momentous role in shaping the world’s economy. From leading to the rise and fall of mighty empires to impacting our everyday lives – the reverberations of war are far-flung and profound.

The focus of this blog is to delve into the depths of this provocative question – is war really profitable? 

Beholding the topic from various angles, this comprehensive analysis revolves around not just economics but also human perspectives and moral considerations.

Our objective is not just to suffuse you with facts and figures but also to inspire contemplation and encourage discourse. So as we walk you through this intriguing journey, we hope you uncover some unexpected insights and maybe even challenge your own beliefs.

Tracing the History: War and Economy 

The interconnectedness between war and economy stretches far back into history. From ancient civilizations to world wars in the 20th century, the imprint of war can be conspicuously seen on societal and economic structures. 

Key Historical Wars and Their Economic Implications

The Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE): This war had huge economic implications for Athens. The ruinous conflict depleted Athens’ economy, paving the way for the rise of Sparta as a military and economic power. – The Hundred Years’ War (1337-1453):

The war transformed the economies of England and France, notably shifting the economic balance from the feudal lords towards the state and the merchant class. – World Wars I and II (1914-1918 and 1939-1945):

The colossal cost of both conflicts virtually bankrupted many European nations while boosting the American economy, leading to the rise of the US as a global economic power. 

The Role of War in Shaping Modern Economies 

There’s evidence that war has drastically affected the course of economies in the modern world. Post World War II, the US, as the world-leading economy, fueled a large part of its growth through the ‘military-industrial complex’.

The Cold War propelled technological advancements and scientific research enhancing several economies, particularly those capable of capitalizing on those advancements. It’s indeed a paradox how wars, while causing immense destruction, have simultaneously spurred economic growth.

Deep Dive: The Economics of War 

To vigorously explore if war is profitable, we have to analyze the economics involved in warfare. This will involve understanding the direct costs such as military spending as well as the indirect expenses that include human lives, infrastructure damage, and social impact. 

The Military-Industrial Complex: A Profitable Enterprise? 

Coined by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, the term ‘military-industrial complex’ refers to the close relationship between a nation’s military and the industrial sector that supports it.

Defense contracts can fuel industry growth and boost employment rates. In this sense, war can stimulate economic activity and make certain stakeholders immensely profitable. However, these profits often come at the expense of other sectors, creating an economy imbalanced towards ‘war-driven growth’. 

The Aftermath: Rebuilding and Recovery Costs 

While certain sectors may profit during a conflict, the post-war period often comes with huge costs. Rebuilding damaged infrastructure, supporting war veterans, and repaying wartime debts, all impose significant financial burdens.

Many war-torn nations may find themselves reliant on international aid or trapped in spiraling loans. So, while the immediate aftermath of war may seem profitable for some, the long-term costs for the nation as a whole can be quite the opposite. 

Indirect Costs: Human Lives, Infrastructure and Social Impact 

Beyond the tangible monetary costs, there are indirect expenses that are hard to quantify but highly significant.

Human lives lost or changed irreversibly due to injuries, the social cost of disruption of families and communities, and the long-term impacts on mental health cannot be sidestepped.

These ‘invisible costs’ of war are seldom factored in, and yet, they play a crucial role in contemplating whether war is truly profitable.

Modern Context: War Economy in 2023 

As we navigate through 2023, the world continues to witness geopolitical tensions and instances of armed conflicts. This section gives an insight into how modern warfare impacts the global economy and bring us closer to finding the answer- “Is war profitable?” 

Current Global Military Spending 

Military spending worldwide has been on an upward trajectory. According to a SIPRI report, global military expenditure reached $1.98 trillion in 2021. Let’s take a look at some of the top spenders: – USA: $778 Billion – China: $252 Billion – India: $72.9 Billion – Russia: $61.7 Billion This rising trend in defense spending exhibits that profits are being made – but at whose expense and who benefits is a question worth pondering. 

Economic Benefits: Defence Contracts, Jobs and Innovation 

From an economic perspective, defense contracts create jobs and fuel innovation. Here’s how: – Defense contracts support thousands of jobs, thus impacting employment rates positively. – Military technologies often later find their way into civilian applications.

The Internet, GPS, and even advances in medical technology are often direct offshoots of military research and development. The economic ripple effect triggered by wartime spending can extend to civilian enterprises, generating profit for individual industries. 

Economic Drawbacks: War Debt and Economic Inequality 

Despite the immediate economic gains, warfare can exacerbate economic inequality and burden nations with heavy debts. Here’s why: – War debts: Wartime expenditures often lead to debt accumulation, plunging nations into financial crisis in the post-war period. – Economic inequality:

While certain sectors and corporations reap profits, socially marginalized groups bear the brunt of the economic burden brought on by war. In the end, while some see profit in the short term, the long-term economic impact of warfare traditionally has been a cause for concern.

Expert Opinions: Is War Profitable? 

As we continue our exploration, it’s crucial to hinge our analysis on the expertise and views of professionals who have delved deep into this topic. This includes economists, policy makers, political thinkers, and war historians. 

The Perspective of Economists

Most economists would agree that wars have both winners and losers in the economic realm. On one hand, sectors like manufacturing and defense could witness growth due to increased demand for war-related goods and services.

However, on the other hand, war capital is seen as a diversion of resources from more productive civilian uses. Economist Christopher Coyne has stated that wartime economic booms are misleading because they often result in resource misallocation and unsustainable economic practices. 

Viewpoints from Policy Makers and Political Thinkers 

Policy makers and political thinkers often stress on the geopolitical and ethical implications of profiting from war. They point out that decisions about war should not be based on economic gains. While they don’t deny the potential economic stimulation resulting from war, they equally concern themselves with issues of social justice, equity and international humanitarian law. 

Insights from War Historians 

War Historians bring a uniquely broad perspective on this topic, given their understanding of history and its many wars. They often highlight the fact that wars, in addition to their economic impacts, create massive social, political, and cultural shifts.

Historian Stuart D. Brandes once asserted that “War dislocates and then radically reconfigures the patterns of social and economic relations”.

These expert opinions help us understand the nuances involved in making a holistic judgement on the profitability of war. It’s clear that the answer is not black or white, but rather comes in different shades of grey.

Case Studies: Profiting from War? 

To give a practical dimension to our analysis, let’s cite some case studies. These instances will help us understand the real-world implications and the tangible impacts of warfare on economies. 

The Arms Trade: A Profitable Affair 

Arms trade offers us a direct glimpse into the profitability associated with war. Global arms trade is a billion-dollar industry, led by top manufacturers from the USA, Russia, China, and European nations.

A 2021 report from SIPRI, an international peace research institute, reveals that arms sales by the top 100 largest arms-producing companies amounted to $531 billion in 2020. These extract enormous profits even as nations lock horns on the battlefield, providing a stark example of how some parties definitely profit from wars. 

Post-War Rebuilding: Costs vs Gains 

Looking at the post-World War II Marshall Plan, where the US offered over $13 billion (today’s equivalent of $140 billion approximately) to help rebuild Europe’s shattered economies, we find an example of war’s aftermath effect.

The aid, while humanitarian on the surface, also opened up huge markets for American goods, creating a profitable situation for American businesses. However, the catch-22 was that these profits came after a massively destructive and costly war which took an insurmountable toll on human lives and infrastructure.

These case studies underscore that while war can create economic opportunities for some sectors or even nations, it does so against a backdrop of wide-scale destruction and loss.


The question “Is war profitable?” reveals itself to be a multifaceted inquiry once we analyze it through historical, economic, and human lenses. While particular sectors like arms trade and manufacturing may benefit, the damages inflicted often outweigh any economic gains. The immeasurable costs of human lives lost and social turmoil created loom large as we consider any notion of profit. 

Perhaps what this analysis underscores is that we must broaden the scope through which we view warfare. Beyond balance sheets, beyond GDPs and defense budgets, lie the stories of millions whose lives are irrevocably altered by the calamity of war. And those stories remind us that war’s reverberations span generations and cannot be quantified in monetary terms alone. Its impacts seep into the fabric of societies, tearing apart communities and families.  

So where does this leave us? The path ahead lies in elevating human welfare above any calculus of profit and loss. It lies in pursuing diplomacy over armed aggression, building bridges instead of arsenals. For war is too unspeakably costly in human terms to be deemed profitable through any economic lens. Its legacy leaves scars far deeper than we can account for. And its prevention is a goal we must collectively strive towards, however long that journey may be.


  1. https://www.economicshelp.org/blog/2180/economics/economic-impact-of-war/#:~:text=Putting%20aside%20the%20very%20real,disruption%20to%20normal%20economic%20activity.
  2. https://www.visualcapitalist.com/mapped-largest-military-budgets-2022/#:~:text=In%202022%2C%20global%20military%20budgets,military%20budgets%20in%20the%20world.
  3. https://www.sipri.org/databases/armstransfers
  4. https://www.mckinsey.com/featured-insights/lifting-europes-ambition/videos-and-podcasts/the-ingredients-for-rebuilding-post-war-ukraine


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