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Life after death in buddhism


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Life after death in buddhism
In Buddhism, life after death is believed to be a continuation of the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth known as samsara. This cycle is driven by karma, which is the idea that our actions in this life will determine our future lives. For example, if someone lives a good and moral life, they may be reborn into a higher realm, such as a human or heavenly realm. On the other hand, if someone lives a negative and harmful life, they may be reborn into a lower realm, such as an animal or hell realm. One verifiable fact about Buddhism is that it is one of the oldest religions in the world, with origins dating back to the 6th century BCE in India. An analogy to help understand life after death in Buddhism is imagining life as a river flowing continuously. Each life is like a ripple in the river, constantly changing and evolving, but connected to the larger flow of existence. Just as a ripple eventually merges back into the river, so too does the individual soul merge back into the cycle of samsara after death.