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impact of kindness on mental health


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impact of kindness on mental health
Sure! The impact of kindness on mental health is about how being nice to others can make us feel happy and good inside. When we are kind to others, it can boost our mood and make us feel more positive. For example, if you help a friend who is feeling sad by giving them a hug or listening to them talk about their feelings, it can make both of you feel better. There was a study done that showed when people do nice things for others, it can actually release chemicals in our brains called endorphins that make us feel happy. So, being kind not only helps the person you are being nice to, but it also helps you feel good too. Think of kindness like a boomerang – when you throw out a kind act, it comes back to you in the form of happiness and a good feeling. Just like how when you throw a boomerang, it comes back to you. So, remember to always be kind to others because it not only makes them feel good, but it also helps you feel happy and positive too!