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function of eyepiece in a sextant


Really Smart




function of eyepiece in a sextant
The function of the eyepiece in a sextant is to magnify the image of the celestial body being observed, allowing for more precise readings of its angle above the horizon. The eyepiece typically has a magnification power of around 2x to 3x, which helps in making accurate measurements. This magnification allows navigators to more accurately align the image of the celestial body with the horizon line, which is crucial for determining the ship’s position at sea. An analogy to help understand the function of the eyepiece in a sextant is to think of it as a microscope for celestial bodies. Just as a microscope magnifies tiny objects to make them clearer and easier to observe, the eyepiece in a sextant magnifies celestial bodies to make them easier to measure and track. A verifiable fact about the function of the eyepiece in a sextant is that it was invented by John Hadley in 1731. Hadley’s design included an eyepiece that helped sailors more accurately measure the angle of celestial bodies, revolutionizing navigation at sea.