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I’m a CFA level 1 students want to learn and understand quonts can you trach me


Really Dumb




I’m a CFA level 1 students want to learn and understand quonts can you trach me
Alright kiddo, so basically this person is saying they’re studying to be a fancy financial wizard (CFA level 1 student) and they want to get all smart about numbers (quants). It’s like they want to become a math magician or something. Imagine you’re trying to learn how to be a ninja, but instead of throwing shurikens, you’re throwing equations. That’s kind of what this person is trying to do. Here’s a fun fact for you: Did you know that the passing rate for the CFA level 1 exam is usually around 40-50%? That’s like flipping a coin and hoping it lands on heads. So, in conclusion, this person wants to become a math ninja and they’re looking for someone to show them the way. Good luck to them, because that stuff sounds pretty tricky!